This will be a little different type blog for me as I’m going to try and condense my year so far into words.

To start off the year I had to find a new counselor because the one I had been seeing was not good for me. Ok, that’s fine. All good. I really like the new one as I don’t know if I could have made the rest of the year without her. Tks Courtney.

Next comes up our 32nd wedding anniversary and the wife and I planned a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean. The night before we were supposed to leave I get a call saying my mother had had a stroke and they don’t think she is going to make it. This call comes from her common law mate who I’ve never liked. Turns out, she had the strokes 7 days earlier and he just didnt call. That’s a while other issue there. I rush down to Florida to see about her, find out shes not as grave as he made out. He’s all heart broke, so I do all I can do to get her transferred to rehab place 1 mine form his house. (He is 83 and barely drives.) Felt sorry for him at that point. When it comes tome for her to leave rehab then all of a sudden I’m the bad guy because I wont pay for her care when she comes home. His words are if I can afford a vacation I can afford her care. I proceed to tell him that’s she chose home over me 40 yrs ago so shes his responsibility. And if he wanted to push it I would get a lawyer and take half of his money for her care. Leave it at that. But now I cant check on her because shes there and I’m up here.

We lost every dime of our vacation money since the illness was not one of us. Insurance would not cover it.

Now on to the summer. Started having horrible neck pain, found out I needed neck surgery. Ok. No biggie I suppose. Had the surgery and 3 weeks later thought my shoulder was exploding. Doctor said take this med and itll go away. It did for a short time. 3 weeks ago it was back and 10 times worse. See a new doctor for that and now I may need shoulder replacement.

Tha doesn’t include typical everyday things that went on throughout the year.

A month or so ago we have to get my mother in law a place in a nursing home. That’s been tougher on my wife than me but I still love her parents to death. Better to me than my own family ever was.

During all these issues I’ve had pneumonia that wouldn’t go away that I’m still dealing with now and hoping it will be gone soon. Trying to get back to work. In the middle of the pneumonia I had to find a new primary care physician because the doctor I’ve had for 25+ years decided his office was going to this MDVIP concierge type doctor crap. In other words, pay him a fee of $1650 a year for him to be my doctor but still have to pay copays and use insurance for the other uncovered stuff. Screw that.

Dealing with family issues with our son who sometimes just doesnt get it. And now, after he graduated GSP trooper school of 8 months long, the Army in its infinite wisdom, changed the rules and he will have to deploy overseas in Jan for 9 months after they told him he wouldn’t have to go.

Throughout all of this I’m constantly dealing with my bipolar 2, PTSD, and anxiety. Makes for an interesting year but one I’m ready to be done with. So good luck to any who read this and I hope your year has been better.