It’s been a few months since I’ve written anything here. Been a little sidetracked I suppose. Things have been going pretty well. New meds have gotten me somewhat stable for now. Guess we’ll see how long that lasts.

Told my doctor that I want off the depression meds since they really are a waste for bipolar from all that I’ve read. Even my new counselor agrees that is true. Said there are some studies soon to come out from Stanford that proof that they really don’t work as well as big pharma claims.

Been doing well up until his past weekend when I spent most all of yesterday on social media which is something I’ve been trying to stay away from due to triggers that constantly pop up. I really think I’ll go dark again permanently this time.

So a few months ago I started seeing a new counselor and it has really helped me alot.  She is very organized ,unlike my old one who seemed like she could never find anything. Wo also just kept giving me paper handouts to take and read the would read them to me. Sorry but I am educated enough that I can read my own papers thank you. New counselor “Courtney” is awesome. She has really helped me work through some tough life issues. I really think I’m gonna make it now.

Wife and I are actually going on a cruise in a week since I feel so much better. I just hope I can handle all the people. Will be keeping my anxiety meds close by at all times. But don’t plan on needing them.

Thas all for now so hope anyone who reads this has a wonderful day. Thanks for reading.